Dr Karuna Raja
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Fees for Service

The fee for your pregnancy is based up on the level of care you require for confinement.  Fortunately Medicare pays for the bulk of the “out of pocket” payments.  Please contact your individual fund or Medicare to calculate the amount of rebate you will be getting.  There may be some out of pocket expenses but with the Medicare Safety Net scheme, the rebate is substantial.  Most of the funds cover your in patient (hospital admission) expense.

The pathology tests are usually bulk billed by Central Sydney Pathology.  For ultrasound examinations, you are referred to a specialist women ultrasound practices and these practices do not bulk bill.  However, there is a large component which is eligible for Medicare rebate.  It is not recommended to have an ultrasound in a non-specialist practice.

Patient Forms

Below you will find a few of our forms that you may wish to print and fill out before coming in for your appointment.

To view and print forms you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Adobe Acrobat Reeder is free and can be downloaded from their website at http://get.adobe.com/reader/

Patient Resources

Download all

Useful Links

Australasian Menopause Society

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Your Pelvic Floor

Jean Hailes

Glycemic Index Foundation

Diabetes in Pregnancy Society

NSW Health

After Hours and Holidays/Conferences

Our office closes at 5pm and stays closed until 9am the following morning.  During this time, I can be reached through the switch board at RPA Hospital (95156111) or on my mobile phone (0402805241). Please use these contact methods for emergencies only.  If I do not answer, please leave a message.  If I do not ring you back within 30 minutes, you should contact your own GP or go to the casualty department at your nearest hospital.  For Obstetric issues after 20 weeks of pregnancy, you should contact the delivery suite (02 9515 8444) or the birth centre (02 9515 8444).  If you are under 20 weeks and experiencing any problems, please ring or present to the Accident and Emergency of any hospital (RPA Switch 95156111).

During the holidays or while away at conferences I will be covered by one of  the other obstetricians working at RPA Hospital.  In most situations, you will be informed in advance about the arrangements.  However, there may be instances where I need to leave on short notice, and in these situations I will ask other obstetricians to cover for me until I am able to return.

